Community Connectors

Take the Pledge:


I KNOW THAT The Cornerstone Resource Center is a place where anyone can connect to for support and information. As an individual that cares strongly about the community in which I live and work, I desire to participate in the Community Connector program. By participating in the Community Connector program, I pledge to:

  1. Recognize that people come from many different backgrounds and life experiences.
  2. Recognize that helping others helps build a stronger and healthier community.
  3. Understand that the “5 Protective Factors” are a proven way to support families:
    • Communication:  it is important for parents to help their children learn to communicate – especially communicating emotions in a healthy way and learning how to interact with others   
    • Knowledge:  it is important for parents to have knowledge of their child’s development so that parents have appropriate expectations
    • Relationships:  we all build strength, resilience, and knowledge through our relationships with each other – positive relationships help all of us to thrive 
    • Resilience:  understanding that resilience is not only the ability to “bounce back” but to come through tough times and grow from the experience
    • Support:  everyone needs a little help sometimes and The Cornerstone Resource Center is an essential community resource for connecting families to support 
  4. Connect people to resources that they need to thrive and connect families and individuals to The Cornerstone Resource Center for additional support.
  5. Ask for help when I need it.

WHO:  The Cornerstone Resource Center and several area partners came together to discuss a positive way to support the families and residents of our communities.  One way to support families and individuals, when there is a need of some sort, is to connect them to resources in our area. 

WHO ELSE:  Hopefully you!  Our hope is to create a team of community members throughout Southeastern Colorado that have a desire to help others and know how to connect them to resources in their communities.

WHAT:  A Community Connector is a person, a family, or an organization that is willing to take a pledge to help others by connecting them to The Cornerstone Resource Center.

WHEN:  There’s no better time than now!    

WHY: To build healthy communities, thriving families, and strong individuals.

  • To promote the “5 Protective Factors”
    • Social and Emotional Competence of Children
    • Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
    • Social Connections
    • Parental Resiliency 
    • Concrete Supports in Times of Need 
  • To reduce the stigma that is often felt when asking for help
  • To reduce the stigma that can be felt when offering help to others