Concrete support in times of need may include access to food, access to diapering supplies, financial assistance to address immediate need for family stability, and more. Family eligibility is determined by Cornerstone staff, and financial coaching is provided. Expected results are that families who feel supported become more resilient and increase their readiness for long-term change.
Clients may be required to provide proof that they have exhausted all other available resources prior to approval, as well as documentation of the requested expense (i.e. lease agreement, mortgage statement, utility bill, etc.). Additional requirements (including budgeting classes) may be required on a case-by-case basis. Submission of a completed application does not guarantee funding, as assistance will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
For more information, please call 719-691-6089 or email info@cornerstoneco.org.
Asistencia financiera de emergencia